My thoughts the best I can remember. I loved kids and was so excited to have a child of my own. I wanted my first child to be a boy so that he could carry on the Hirschi name in my family and to take care of his sister that I was hoping we would have. Well I didnt exactly live my teenage years of my life in the manner my parents had taught me and I had become inactive in church. Sherry and I were married in a civil service and were both inactive in church. We started to become active and worked hard to beable to be sealed prior to the birth of Zach so he could be born to us sealed as a family. We were sealed in August of 1986 prior to Zach being born.
When I found out I was going to have a disabled child I was so angry at God. How could I be punished with this child after I had done everything I could to get my life in order and straightened out. With me loving kids why did I have to have a child with a problem that I didnt even know exsisted or what it was going to take to take care of him. The only thing I had learned about Downs by the time Zach was born was that he would be mentally retarded and he would have some disfiguring features. I now know that he was going to save me many times. He has never judged me and always seems to know when I need a hug. He will come to me and wrap his arms around my neck and not let go, and then say in his little voice that everything will be ok no matter what the problem is.
Well many times in the last 25 years I have had to ask forgiveness for those feelings I had towards God. Now I wonder what I did to deserve such a special person, I have been blessed well beyond anything I could possibly ask for or deserve. Zach has more love than anybody I have ever come across in my life. He shares that love with everybody he comes in contact with.
I love Zach with every once of me. He is not only my son, but he is also my best friend and my hero.
Even today 25 years later Zach still holds my hand everywhere we go and will come in and snuggle with me and call me just because and is never afraid to say "I sure do love my dad". I know Zach feels the same about his mother and tells me that regularly. How could I ask for anything more in my life.
Dave.... great story... you're a great dad, with an amazing son... My son Brian is my best friend as well, and I have learned more from him than anyone I've ever known...